8 research outputs found

    Optimum Search Schemes for Approximate String Matching Using Bidirectional FM-Index

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    Finding approximate occurrences of a pattern in a text using a full-text index is a central problem in bioinformatics and has been extensively researched. Bidirectional indices have opened new possibilities in this regard allowing the search to start from anywhere within the pattern and extend in both directions. In particular, use of search schemes (partitioning the pattern and searching the pieces in certain orders with given bounds on errors) can yield significant speed-ups. However, finding optimal search schemes is a difficult combinatorial optimization problem. Here for the first time, we propose a mixed integer program (MIP) capable to solve this optimization problem for Hamming distance with given number of pieces. Our experiments show that the optimal search schemes found by our MIP significantly improve the performance of search in bidirectional FM-index upon previous ad-hoc solutions. For example, approximate matching of 101-bp Illumina reads (with two errors) becomes 35 times faster than standard backtracking. Moreover, despite being performed purely in the index, the running time of search using our optimal schemes (for up to two errors) is comparable to the best state-of-the-art aligners, which benefit from combining search in index with in-text verification using dynamic programming. As a result, we anticipate a full-fledged aligner that employs an intelligent combination of search in the bidirectional FM-index using our optimal search schemes and in-text verification using dynamic programming outperforms today's best aligners. The development of such an aligner, called FAMOUS (Fast Approximate string Matching using OptimUm search Schemes), is ongoing as our future work

    Improving Data Structures and Algorithms

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    This thesis addresses important algorithms and data structures used in sequence analysis for applications such as read mapping. First, we give an overview on state-of-the-art FM indices and present the latest improvements. In particular, we will introduce a recently published FM index based on a new data structure: EPR dictionaries. This rank data structures allows search steps in constant time for unidirectional and bidirectional FM indices. To our knowledge this is the first and only constant-time implementation of a bidirectional FM index at the time of writing. We show that its running time is not only optimal in theory, but currently also outperforms all available FM index implementations in practice. Second, we cover approximate string matching in bidirectional indices. To improve the running time and make higher error rates suitable for index-based searches, we introduce an integer linear program for finding optimal search strategies. We show that it is significantly faster than other search strategies in indices and cover additional improvements such as hybrid approaches of index-based searches with in-text verification, i.e., at some point the partially matched string is located and verified directly in the text. Finally, we present a yet unpublished algorithm for fast computation of the mappability of genomic sequences. Mappability is a measure for the uniqueness of a genome by counting how often each kk-mer of the sequence occurs with a certain error threshold in the genome itself. We suggest two applications of mappability with prototype implementations: First, a read mapper incorporating the mappability information to improve the running time when mapping reads that match highly repetitive regions, and second, we use the mappability information to identify phylogenetic markers in a set of similar strains of the same species by the example of E. coli. Unique regions allow identifying and distinguishing even highly similar strains using unassembled sequencing data. The findings in this thesis can speed up many applications in bioinformatics as we demonstrate for read mapping and computation of mappability, and give suggestions for further research in this field

    Approximate String Matching - Improving Data Structures and Algorithms

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    This thesis addresses important algorithms and data structures used in sequence analysis for applications such as read mapping. First, we give an overview on state-of-the-art FM indices and present the latest improvements. In particular, we will introduce a recently published FM index based on a new data structure: EPR dictionaries. This rank data structures allows search steps in constant time for unidirectional and bidirectional FM indices. To our knowledge this is the first and only constant-time implementation of a bidirectional FM index at the time of writing. We show that its running time is not only optimal in theory, but currently also outperforms all available FM index implementations in practice. Second, we cover approximate string matching in bidirectional indices. To improve the running time and make higher error rates suitable for index-based searches, we introduce an integer linear program for finding optimal search strategies. We show that it is significantly faster than other search strategies in indices and cover additional improvements such as hybrid approaches of index-based searches with in-text verification, i.e., at some point the partially matched string is located and verified directly in the text. Finally, we present a yet unpublished algorithm for fast computation of the mappability of genomic sequences. Mappability is a measure for the uniqueness of a genome by counting how often each kk-mer of the sequence occurs with a certain error threshold in the genome itself. We suggest two applications of mappability with prototype implementations: First, a read mapper incorporating the mappability information to improve the running time when mapping reads that match highly repetitive regions, and second, we use the mappability information to identify phylogenetic markers in a set of similar strains of the same species by the example of E. coli. Unique regions allow identifying and distinguishing even highly similar strains using unassembled sequencing data. The findings in this thesis can speed up many applications in bioinformatics as we demonstrate for read mapping and computation of mappability, and give suggestions for further research in this field

    GenMap:ultra-fast computation of genome mappability

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    Motivation: Computing the uniqueness of k-mers for each position of a genome while allowing for up to e mismatches is computationally challenging. However, it is crucial for many biological applications such as the design of guide RNA for CRISPR experiments. More formally, the uniqueness or (k, e)-mappability can be described for every position as the reciprocal value of how often this k-mer occurs approximately in the genome, i.e. with up to e mismatches. Results: We present a fast method GenMap to compute the (k, e)-mappability. We extend the mappability algorithm, such that it can also be computed across multiple genomes where a k-mer occurrence is only counted once per genome. This allows for the computation of marker sequences or finding candidates for probe design by identifying approximate k-mers that are unique to a genome or that are present in all genomes. GenMap supports different formats such as binary output, wig and bed files as well as csv files to export the location of all approximate k-mers for each genomic position. Availability and implementation: GenMap can be installed via bioconda. Binaries and C++ source code are available on https://github.com/cpockrandt/genmap

    VARSCOT: variant-aware detection and scoring enables sensitive and personalized off-target detection for CRISPR-Cas9

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    Background Natural variations in a genome can drastically alter the CRISPR-Cas9 off-target landscape by creating or removing sites. Despite the resulting potential side-effects from such unaccounted for sites, current off-target detection pipelines are not equipped to include variant information. To address this, we developed VARiant-aware detection and SCoring of Off-Targets (VARSCOT). Results VARSCOT identifies only 0.6% of off-targets to be common between 4 individual genomes and the reference, with an average of 82% of off-targets unique to an individual. VARSCOT is the most sensitive detection method for off-targets, finding 40 to 70% more experimentally verified off-targets compared to other popular software tools and its machine learning model allows for CRISPR-Cas9 concentration aware off-target activity scoring. Conclusions VARSCOT allows researchers to take genomic variation into account when designing individual or population-wide targeting strategies. VARSCOT is available from https://github.com/BauerLab/VARSCOT

    CHESS 3: an improved, comprehensive catalog of human genes and transcripts based on large-scale expression data, phylogenetic analysis, and protein structure

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    Abstract CHESS 3 represents an improved human gene catalog based on nearly 10,000 RNA-seq experiments across 54 body sites. It significantly improves current genome annotation by integrating the latest reference data and algorithms, machine learning techniques for noise filtering, and new protein structure prediction methods. CHESS 3 contains 41,356 genes, including 19,839 protein-coding genes and 158,377 transcripts, with 14,863 protein-coding transcripts not in other catalogs. It includes all MANE transcripts and at least one transcript for most RefSeq and GENCODE genes. On the CHM13 human genome, the CHESS 3 catalog contains an additional 129 protein-coding genes. CHESS 3 is available at http://ccb.jhu.edu/chess

    The SeqAn C++ template library for efficient sequence analysis: A resource for programmers

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    Background The use of novel algorithmic techniques is pivotal to many important problems in life science. For example the sequencing of the human genome (Venter et al., 2001) would not have been possible without advanced assembly algorithms and the development of practical BWT based read mappers have been instrumental for NGS analysis. However, owing to the high speed of technological progress and the urgent need for bioinformatics tools, there was a widening gap between state-of-the-art algorithmic techniques and the actual algorithmic components of tools that are in widespread use. We previously addressed this by introducing the SeqAn library of efficient data types and algorithms in 2008 (Döring et al., 2008). Results The SeqAn library has matured considerably since its first publication 9 years ago. In this article we review its status as an established resource for programmers in the field of sequence analysis and its contributions to many analysis tools. Conclusions We anticipate that SeqAn will continue to be a valuable resource, especially since it started to actively support various hardware acceleration techniques in a systematic manner